The indigenous peoples Arhuaco from La Sierra Nevada de Santa Martha share this principles for their word circles.
1. Silence:
You can only access yourself when you are in silence, it is difficult to find the absence of noise; but it is one of the effective ways that connects with thinking, feeling and reflection.
2. Listening:
When you are alive, the first thing you hear is the mother's heart, that is why you love to listen to the sounds, it should be noted that in the course of life, listening is becoming aware of feeling and thinking because otherwise listening will only be noise. In the circle, listening is wise, and conscious, from all the senses.
3. Thought:
You only inhabit a circle of words if you are willing to think about every word or action that arises from it. Therefore, it is essential to think before speaking, to be aware of what is expressed in order to make conscious of the word that circulates and thus to think about what is heard or what is felt.
4. Speaking the sweet word:
To materialize the thoughts, what is heard and what is expressed by means of the sweet word according to the word that is circulating (whoever does not express his speaking, the same word makes him sick because in the circle of the word he is a healer).
5. Gratefulness:
Every action, word, and thought that reaches each person is thanked; because it arrives with a vision of learning, unlearning and organizing. We are grateful for everything we receive and summon mother earth's energy to heal, learn and teach what we have learned.
